Dott.ssa Juliane Anna Ebner

Name: Juliane A. Ebner

Date of birth: 18.04.1980

Place of birth: Ulm (Germany)                                                                         

Citizenship: Italian

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Marital status: Married to Dr. Christian Greco



1986-1990 Elementary school Soest (Germany)

1990-1991 Secondary school Aldegrevergymnasium Soest (Germany)

1991-1999 Secondary school Franziskanergymnasium Bozen (Italy).

        Humanistic final secondary school examinations (Graduation: 100/100)


University studies

1999-2005 Degree in medicine, University of  Verona (Italy)

July 2005   Thesis „Evolution and strength of the proximal aortic neck in the long term  

                   follow up of abdominal aortic aneurysms treated by endovascular

                   technique: significance of the applicated radial force“.

                   Doctoral adviser: Prof. Giovanni Serio, Dr. A. Scuro

                   Graduation: 110/110

February 2006  European license to medical practice


Since April 2006 Resident at the Department of Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, Central Hospital of Bozen, Italy


Since 19.07.2012 Postgraduated in Vascular Surgery 

Thesis: “Incidence and etiology of recurrent veins after Babcock Cockett intervention”

Doctoral Adviser: Prof Maurizio Taurino, Prof. Luigi Rizzo (University “La Sapienza”, Department of Vascular Surgery, S. Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy)

Graduation: 70/70 cum laude


Scientific Activity: Speaker at national and international congresses, Author of posters in congress sessions, Partecipation (and winner) at national and international awards, congresses and workshops, Coauthor and author of publications.






Ebner H, Ebner J

Arterielle Verschlusskrankheit: Epidemiologie und Prognose – Arteriopatia obliterante   

cronica  periferica (AOCP): epidemiologia e prognosi.

In: AVK vom Becken-, Oberschenkel- und Unterschenkeltyp – so wird 

es bei  uns gemacht, AOCP degli assi aortoiliaco, femorale, crurale – noi usiamo così.     

New MAGAZINE edizioni, Trento, S. 29 – 35 (2004)


Ebner H, Ebner J

Televoter. Sistema interattivo.

In: AVK vom Becken-, Oberschenkel- und Unterschenkeltyp – so wird es bei  uns gemacht, AOCP degli assi aortoiliaco, femorale, crurale – noi usiamo così.

New MAGAZINE edizioni, Trento, S. 427 – 439 (2004)


Ebner H, Zaraca F, Ebner J

Triadi e terne nella rottura dell’istmo aortico.

 In: C. Pratesi, R. Pulli. Patologia dell’aorta toracica. Chirurgia classica, endovascolare, 

ibrida. EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA, Torino, S. 272 - 277 (2005)


Ebner H, Farina MA, Lanza G, Lomeo A, Palombo D, Pedrini L, Salcuni 

P, Salvini M, Settembrini P, Falk M, Ebner J, Zaraca F

ECD intraoperatorio (ECDio) dopo ricostruzione carotidea: presentazione e primi dati di  uno studio prospettico e multicentrico.






M. Mirandola, a. Griso, l. Nicolai, f. Baratto, j. Ebner, p. Candiani, d. Kothotanassis, a. Scuro

Dilatazione del colletto prossimale e migrazioni correlate alla forza radiale delle  

endoprotesi: nostra esperienza del follow-up dell’AEG. L’evoluzione del colletto prossimale e le migrazioni in base alla diversa forza radiale.

 In: Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Volume 12, Suppl. 1 TO No.3,   September 2005, S. 4 – 5


Ebner H, Zaraca F, Ebner JA, Stringari C

Leg ulcer: proposal of a new method of comparing different wound dressings

Chir. Ital. 2008 Jul-Aug; 60(4): 563-6, Italian


Zaraca F, Stringari C, Ebner JA, Ebner H

Routine versus selective use of intraoperative angiography during thromboembolectomy for acute lower limb ischemia: analysis of outcome.

Ann Vasc Surg 2010 Jul; 24 (5): 621-7 Epub 2010 Apr 2




Zaraca F, Ponzoni A, Stringari C, Ebner JA, Giovanetti R, Ebner H

The posterior approach in the treatment of popliteal artery aneurysm: feasibility and analysis of outcome.

Ann Vasc Surg 2010 Oct; 24(7):863-70



Zaraca F, Ponzoni A, Sbraga P, Stringari C, Ebner JA, Ebner H

Does routine completino angiogram during embolectomy for acute upper limb ischemia improbe outcomes?

Ann Vasc Surg 2012 Nov;26(8):1064-70 doi:10/1016/j.avsg.2011.12.012.Epub 2012 June 26


Zaraca F, Ponzoni A, Sbraga P,  Ebner JA, Giovanetti R, Ebner H

Factors affecting long term outcomes after thromboembolectomy for acute lower limb ischemia. Minerva Chir 2012 Feb;67(1):49-57


Ebner JA, Zaraca F, Stringari C, Ebner H

Come confrontare medicazioni differenti su ulcere della gamba a fini di studio: una proposta

Flebologia ..l’importante è essere in vena..  Anno I  Num.0 2012




Ebner J, Zaraca F, Ebner H

Evidence Based Medicine nel trattamento delle ulcere venose.

(Evidence Based Medicine in the treatment of venous leg ulcer)





J A Ebner , Zaraca F, Stringari C, Ebner H

Ulcere della gamba : proposta di un nuovo metodo per confrontare medicazioni differenti

Collegio italiano di Flebologia

11° Congresso nazionale

4-6 October 2007, Cagliari


J.A.Ebner, F Zaraca, H Ebner

Evidence Based Medicine nel trattamento delle ulcere venose.

(Evidence Based Medicine in the treatment of venous leg ulcer)

16° Congress Fleb des  ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia , February 2008


J.A.Ebner, F Zaraca, H Ebner

Evidence Based Medicine nel trattamento delle ulcere venose.

(Evidence Based Medicine in the treatment of venous leg ulcer)

Collegio italiano di Flebologia (CIF)

XII Congresso nazionale,

Ostuni (Italy) 2 – 4 October 2008





J.A.Ebner, F Zaraca, H Ebner

Evidence Based Medicine nel trattamento delle ulcere venose

(Evidence Based Medicine in the treatment of venous leg ulcer)

ARCH Symposium

 Central Hospital of Bozen (Italy) 5 November 2008



Stärken und Schwächen des weiblichen Geschlechts in ihrem Gesundheitsverhalten.

Congress „Die Frau in der Gefäß- und Thoraxchirurgie“

(The female in the vascular and thoracic surgery)

14-15 November 2008, Bolzano (Italy)



Stärken und Schwächen des weiblichen Geschlechts in ihrem Gesundheitsverhalten.

Congress „Die Frau in der Gefäß- und Thoraxchirurgie“

(The female in the vascular and thoracic surgery)

2 December 2008

ARCH Symposium

Central Hospital of Bozen (Italy) 2 December 2008



Anatomia funzionale delle vene degli arti inferiori

(Functional anatomy of the veins in the lower extremities)

17° Congress Fleb des  ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 10-13 February 2009



J.A.Ebner, Prof. R. Bisacci

Tecniche di monitoraggio delle pressioni applicate durante il bendaggio elastocompressivo

(Monitoring techniques of the pressure applicated by multilayer bendages)

17° Congress FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 10-13 February 2009


J.A. Ebner

Le medicazioni bioattive

(Bioactive dressings in wound care)

18° Congress “FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 9-12 February 2010


JA Ebner

Fallbericht: Periphere Gefaessrekonstruktion im Stadium IV und ihre Herausforderung

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandlung e.V.

Freiburg 17-19.Juni 2010



JA Ebner, Stringari C, Morandell S, Ebner H

Chronische Wunden: Vorschlag einer neuen Methode yum Vergleich verschiedener Wundauflagen

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandlung e.V.

Freiburg 17-19.Juni 2010


J.A. Ebner

Evidence Based Medicine

19° Congress “FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 8-11 February 2011


J.A. Ebner

L’elastocompressione: l’utilità clinica della misurazione delle pressioni applicate

19° Congress “FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 8-11 February 2011


JA Ebner

Tagung: Mein rauchender Patient: was muss ich misse, was muss ich tun? Südtiroler Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin

Bozen 2.04.2011


J.A. Ebner, Baratto F, Dellis C, Morandell S, Stringari C, H Ebner

Varici recidive, residue o ricorrenti?...dopo un follow up di 136 +/- 16 mesi

24° congresso nazionale della SIF (Società Italiana di Flebologia)

Stresa (VB) 5-7 Maggio 2011


J.A. Ebner, H Ebner

L’elastocompressione: l’utilità clinica della misurazione delle pressioni applicate

24° congresso nazionale della SIF (Società Italiana di Flebologia)

Stresa (VB) 5-7 Maggio 2011


JA Ebner

Externe Qualitätssicherung am Beispiel des Bauchaortenaneurysmas an der Abteilung für Gefäß- und Thoraxchirurgie Bozen

Tag der Qualität October 2011, Bozner Zentralkrankenhaus


JA Ebner

La gestione multidisciplinare delle lesioni difficili

Tagung “Lesioni cutanee acute e croniche e riparazione tissutale”

Centro iperbarico, Bolzano 10.11.2011


JA Ebner

Evidence based medicine…e flebologia

1. congresso nazionale “Flebologia, Linfologia e Riabilitazione”

Pavia, 14-15.11.2011


JA Ebner, Ebner H

Acido ialuronico:e nelle ulcere venose?

20° Congress “FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 8-11 February 2012





Ebner H, Farina MA, Lanza G, Lomeo A, Palombo D, Pedrini L, Salcuni 

P, Salvini M, Settembrini P, Falk M, Ebner J, Zaraca F

Studio prospettico multicentrico ECD io dopo EAC

5°convegno ”Il monitoraggio in Chirurgia vascolare”

5 May 2006, Bologna


Ebner H, Zaraca F, Ebner J

Carotisrestenose abhängig von OP-Technik?

5° Wittenberger Konferenz evangelischer Krankenhäuser

26- 28 June 2008, Wittenberg


Ebner H , Zaraca F, Ebner J

Uno strumento utile nel confezionamento del bendaggio elastocompressivo delgi arti inferiori

Collegio italiano di Flebologia (CIF)

XII Congresso nazionale,

Ostuni (Italy) 2 – 4 October 2008


H Ebner, J Ebner

Casi clinici – Ischmia critica

Aretriopatie obliteranti periferiche: dalla fisiopatologia al trattamento medico-chirurgico

Grand Hotel Adriatico Firenze

8 November 2008


H Ebner, J Ebner

Gefäß-und Thorachirurgie – Facharztausbildung unterschiedlich in Deutschland, Italien, Österreich

Congress „Die Frau in der Gefäß- und Thoraxchirurgie“

(The female in the vascular and thoracic surgery)

14-15 November 2008, Bolzano (Italy)


Ebner H, Ebner J

Drenaggio toracico: uno die segreti meglio custoditi

Societá triveneta di Chirurgia

7 November 2009, Mestre


Ebner H, Ebner J

La chirurgia vascolare maggiore nell’anziano

Malattie cardiovascolari nell’anziano

17 October 2009,Bolzano


Ebner H, Zaraca F, Ebner J

Die Chirurgin in der Gefäß- und Thoraxchirugie

3° Konvent der leitenden Gefäßchirurgen/innen

6-7 Februar 2009, Berlin




F Zaraca , Stringari C, J Ebner, H Ebner

Chirurgia ibrida nel tromboembolismo acuot delgi arti inferiori

XI National Congress SICVE

15-17 October 2012, Rimini


H Ebner, J Ebner

Rezidive nur an der Crosse?

21° Congress “FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 6-8 February 2013




Ebner J.A., Zaraca F, Stringari C, Ebner H

Proposal of a new method for comparing different wound dressings.

Poster-Award of Ilegx (Interdisciplinary Leg Summit) at the annual meeting, Munich 13-14 October 2009




Best lecture of young surgeons (<30y): 16° Congress Fleb des  ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology, 2008:

Ebner JA

Evidence Based Medicine nel trattamento delle ulcere venose.

(Evidence Based Medicine in the treatment of venous leg ulcer)

16° Congress Fleb des  ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia , February 2008


Premio “Pierina Benzoni”

J.A. Ebner, Baratto F, Dellis C, Morandell S, Stringari C, H Ebner

Varici recidive, residue o ricorrenti?...dopo un follow up di 136 +/- 16 mesi

24° congresso nazionale della SIF (Società Italiana di Flebologia)

Stresa (VB) 5-7 Maggio 2011




Tutor during hands-on courses:


18° Congress “FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 9-12 February 2010



Corso teorico-pratico di Flebologia clinica, ecocolordoppler e terapia

Gargnano sul Garda, 30.09.-2.10.2010


L’elastocompressione: l’utilità clinica della misurazione delle pressioni applicate

19° Congress “FLEB DES ALPES”, Italian Society of Flebology

Alta Badia 8-11 February 2011




Elastocompressione: teoria e pratica

II Interprofessional Meeting

Bolzano, Central Hospital, 29.4.2011


Elastocompression (and wound therapy)

Corso teorico-pratico di Flebologia clinica, ecocolordoppler e terapia

Gargnano sul Garda, 22.-24.09.2011



Organisation of interprofessional hands-on courses and lectures for nurses dedicated to leg ulcers on the territory (since 2011)


Ebner JA

Chronic leg ulcers: Evidence Based Medicine

I Meeting

Bolzano, Central Hospital, 28.1.2011


Ebner JA, Stringari C

Elastocompressione: teoria e pratica

Ulcus crucis venosum-e la terapia causale

Calze e bende

Elastocompressione: Utilita della misurazione delle pressioni applicate

II Meeting

Bolzano, Central Hospital, 29.4.2011


(Lectures of the other meetings:

Monauni T, DellAndrea S, The Diabetic Foot,III Meeting 11.2011

Dalpra Franco, Management of leg ulcers on territory 17.02.12)



Hands-on Courses:



Department of Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, Central Hospital of Bozen




Department of Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, Central Hospital of Bozen



“7. Thoraxchirurgisches Symposium“ mit praktischen videothoraskopischen Übungen

Center of Excellence-Elancourt

9-10.October 2006


Planning and Sizing of the aortic pathology with OSIRIX

Aortic Surgery: How to do it

Corsi di tecniche in chirurgia vascolare

Milano, 28.03.2009





12 – 13 October 2009

25th Annual congress of DGG (German society of vascular surgery ), Munich


Woundmanagement of leg ulcers

14-15 October 2009

25th Annual congress of DGG (German society of vascular surgery ), Munich


Basics of peripheric access for haemodialysis

(Grundlagen der Dialyseshuntchirurgie)

Helios Klinikum Bad Saarow. Groß Dölln, 2-3.05.2010


La terapia delle ulcere cutanee

Edizioni corso SIRTES

Pisa 18-21 October 2010


Zusatzbezeichnung “Notfallmedizin”

Mit Überprüfung der erweiterten Reanimation (nach Leitlinien ERC 2010)

AMS Medizinische Seminare
